TIME TO CODE SON! Coding Bootcamps
My experience and takeaways regarding Coding Bootcamps
Let me first inform you that Coding Bootcamps may or may not be for you. Regardless of your experience.
If you are interested in finding out more, here is a link according to Forbes Magazine for best coding camps for 2023 <= .
My key takeaways
Based solely on my personal experience attending a coding bootcamp, I can easily see how one of the major factors most bootcamps will promote and that is your Experience level - Before I went into a bootcamp The only experience I had under my belt at the time was HTML/CSS and not much JS. I was ensured by the recruiter that I didn't need too much experience. That being said, I went in and still struggled. Was gray in some areas, but I eventually caught on. I've also seen classmates struggle that had more experience than me. So it's a coin-toss.
Speed and Grit - The speed and grit of the camp actually starts off pretty well a little slow to make sure everyone has time to setup their gear and tools and hands-on learning the basics of JS. After about a week, things really begin to ramp up and the bootcamp really grooves you in to doing more and more at a set time and pace. Truly makes you stronger.
Only problem
Just the cost. If you're interested in attending a boot camp, call around to the different schools and ask. Let me say that it depends on the fact that every individual's situation is different from others, along with several factors that come into play. Such as credit score, money to put down, and if there's an ISA available at the boot camp.
I am not discrediting App Academy in any way. They have molded me to have a stronger drive than ever before. I encourage anyone to take a chance to attend a coding boot camp. I wanted to make this article short, but I can absolutely go into a lot more depth if anyone has any questions, and maybe write another article that goes into a lot more depth about the ins and outs and what to expect. I hope this article helps anyone who is maybe thinking of joining a boot camp and was able to take something from this. Thank you, and happy programming!